Cortex User Group

Welcome to the Cortex User Group, a community dedicated to sharing knowledge and best practices for using the Cortex platform.

Our group consists of experienced Cortex users and experts who are passionate about improving their skills and helping others do the same. We welcome all users of the Cortex platform, regardless of your experience level.

Our mission is to provide a forum for Cortex users to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another. Through our online discussions, webinars, and in-person events, we share insights, tips, and strategies to help our members get the most out of the platform.

As a member of the Cortex User Group, you will have access to a variety of resources and benefits, including:

  • Webinars on topics related to Cortex.
  • A forum where you can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other Cortex users.
  • Opportunities to network with other Cortex users and experts in your industry.

Whether you are a seasoned Cortex user or just getting started, the Cortex User Group is the perfect place to connect with other users, expand your knowledge, and enhance your skills. Join us today and start taking your Cortex expertise to the next level!